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Please check back frequently for updates! We will be adding lots of new merchandise and information in the next few weeks!

Creatrix Stoodio- The Beginning

Creatrix Stoodio was born out of a passion for creative self-sufficiency.

In 2002 I graduated from High School as a junior, and held my own Ceremony. I wanted to create my own invitations that were completely unique. I wanted a "Halmark" on the back of my cards, to brand them as my own. I had been taking Latin in school and in searching for some spectacular name we (my Mom and I) typed "creative" into a Latin/English dictionary. And thus it became.

In 2007 I applied for an official business license and Creatrix Stoodio became a viable small business. I expanded from cards to scrapbooks, hair accessories and eventually digital scrapbooks (Check out ScrapThatStory.blogspot.com).

Now in 2009 I would like to include some of my amazing friends who share my passion for creativity. A circle of moms who love their families, and want to make the world a prettier place for all!